In the wake of Angelina Jolie’s recent announcement about her ovarian removal, I wrote a piece on my own decision-making process for You can read it here.
My Mastectomy and Feminism in The Washington Post
I wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post about how my mastectomy and reconstruction impacted my self-image and my sense of my own feminism. It’s titled, “Was my mastectomy a betrayal of feminism?” and it debuted on the front-page of the
AMA on Reddit
On October 15, I had an incredibly fun time answering questions about breast cancer, mastectomy, cancer risk, and fashion as part of my Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit, as part of my launch-day activities for Pandora’s DNA. Read the
Pandora’s DNA Excerpt in Jezebel
I’m delighted that one of my favorite sites, Jezebel, has posted an excerpt from Pandora’s DNA, about the most death metal thing I’ve ever read–Frances Burney’s 1811 account of her mastectomy, in which a white handkerchief was her only anesthesia. The piece also
Pandora’s DNA Excerpt in The New Republic
The New Republic has an excerpt from my chapter on surveillance posted, under the descriptive headline, “Life With the Breast Cancer Gene Is a Hellish Mix of Anxiety and Self-Doubt; I’m poked, prodded, felt up, and scanned—and don’t even know if it
Angelina Jolie and Me
I had an eventful May 14. I woke up in the morning and read five messages from friends on my phone telling me that Angelina Jolie had announced her prophylactic mastectomy in a New York Times op-ed. I’d thought it would
Stop Using Jolie’s Surgery to Condescend to Women
How stupid do they think we are? It’s a major medical procedure, not a manicure. My piece for Slutist.
Jolie’s Mastectomy Decision Leaves No Place for Judgement
Angelina Jolie’s admission that she underwent a preventive double mastectomy has a lot of people talking – and while raising awareness is invaluable, it inevitably becomes fodder for critics. I should know: Three years ago, at the age of 28,
Trampled By the Herd: Mimes and Larp Safety
This year’s Knutebooks — the books of larp theory put out each year by the pan-Nordic convention Knutebook — are out and available for free download here. Edited by Karete Jacobsen Meland & Katrine Øverlie Svela, this year’s trio of tomes
Three Speeches on Nordic and American Larp
Over the last year, I gave three speeches on Nordic and American larp. Here are the notes.