Since I last wrote with an update on Leaving Mundania, the book has been cooking in the media. I’ve been podcasted, broadcasted, filmed, questioned, and written up in a variety of awesome outlets, both big and small. In case you
Lizzie Stark Flashes, Cubist Exercise
For those of you who don’t know, a short short, also called flash fiction or micro-fiction is a short story of as few as 200 words or as many as 2,000. It’s bite-sized fiction or nonfiction. Fringe publishes them, as do many journals, but Quick Fiction is famous for publishing excellent flash fiction of 500 words or less exclusively.
Unspeakable, Unthinkable Fiction
Consider the case of Dwight Whorley. This Virginia man authored an icky pornographic story that included pedophilia, then emailed his fantasy to likeminded internet friends, Wired reports. Whorley was convicted for possessing obscene Japanese manga and for possession of a filthy piece of print — his pedophiliac fantasy.
Recommended Read: The Age of Innocence
I drove myself to the bookstore immediately to rectify this horror, and ended up selecting The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, because I love modernist literature and wanted to get myself back on track with something I knew I’d love.
Interview with Eco-Libris
I have an interview with Raz Godelnik, the brains behind Eco-Libris, up over on the Fringe Blog, in honor of the recent environmental issue.
Goodbye, Updike
I knew Fringe had to run a tribute to Updike when I broke the news to the editors and received this email in response: “Damn! No more girl-at-the-supermarket-has-nice-legs i’m-a-bastard-but-i-said-so-so-i’m-immune-from-criticism stories! Wait . . . . that’s probably not true at