Lizzie Stark Flashes: Soap

Imagine a bar of soap lying by the side of your sink. It’s a flat, creamy beige block no bigger than a deck of cards, with edges that aren’t quite plumb, smoothed by hand and water. You made it from skin-scarring lye and olive oil in the pot you use to make soup, carefully weighing the ingredients on a postal scale, and whirring them together with a hand blender, watching carefully for the signs of miraculous alchemy, the puddingy texture, the marks on the surface that stay turgid for a moment before vanishing. You poured the soap into a shoebox mold, and cured it in the open air for a month, to remove its green bite.

LARP in Colorado

It’s no secret that people all over the country like to dress up in medieval gear and spend a weekend whacking things in the woods. But here’s the proof. An esteemed colleague and former collaborator over at the Boulder Daily Camera sent me this excellent, respectful introduction to LARPing by Aimee Heckel.

Celebrities: Gaming Nerds Like Us

Gamers have officially entered America’s zeitgeist. World of Warcraft had more than 11.5 million subcribers — the same number as the total population of Cuba — at the end of last year.

It’s old news that Ted Raimi of Superman and more importantly, Xena: Warrior Princess fame is set to direct a WoW movie.  But more and more celebrities are coming out of the closet as hardcore gamer geeks.

This Daily Beast gallery (full disclosure: I contribute to the Beast’s Cheat Sheet) of famous gamers has a few surprise appearances — Dave Chappelle, Robin Williams, Curt Schilling — as well as well-known gamers such as Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood.

Lizzie Stark