Ready Player One: An exhilarating novel about gaming and 1980s nostalgia, but don’t expect too much.
Link Love: Larp Couture
Interested in costuming and propping? Head over to Larp Couture and check out American (?) Caroline E. Willis’s lively writing on the topic, from information about codpieces to gender-related musings on harem pants to historical research on real smugglers, helpful
Larp Likes and Dislikes
The experts risk potential hate mail by describing which types of games they find unappealing.
Leaving Mundania At Literary Death Match Boston
It’s a little like Highlander — there can be only one! Tomorrow I’m competing in Literary Death Match, the storied reading series/happening in which four writers enter, but only one may leave. In honor of the literary throwdown, Chicago Review Press has
A Visit to Intercon L
A fast rundown of my zippy trip to Intercon L.
Two Years After Mastectomy
Two years ago, I had my healthy breasts cut off to reduce my sky-high risk of breast cancer. Last year, I wrote a post chronicling my feelings one year out, but two years out, my feelings have changed enough to warrant another (and perhaps final) post.
Dreamy Dreamation Recap
How was Dreamation? Awesome. Just, awesome.
One-Shot Larps v. Campaigns
Do you prefer one-shot or campaign larps? The experts weigh in on what they like and why.
Meet Death by Awesome
I’m part of a new group called Death by Awesome, which will run jeepform style games and other Nordic detritus at the Double Exposure convention DREAMATION, which runs in Morristown, NJ at the end of this month. Allow me to
Link Love: Larp Conventions
Shout out to some of the world’s larp conventions. This list would be way longer if I included all the general gaming conventions that offer larp as part of the fun; I tried to keep it to just the larp